Spring Cup C&B Feeder Lacurile Sibiu 20.04-21.04 2024 Sibiu


Legend: | T - Total | P - Point | TP - Total Points | Sect - Sector | Gen - General |
Quantity Placing
Sect-1 Stand T P Best 1 TP Sect
Mihai Alexandru
15 / 20 57.420136.9611
Pal Stefan
11 / 12 43.980239.5822
Horia Ivan
9 / 17 41.340328.233
Marius Nicolae
20 / 7 36.130433.29544
Someiu Andrei
2 / 14 34.785532.63555
Alex Tores
17 / 15 31.850619.4566
Dobre Dacian
14 / 2 29.790716.4477
Deak Andrei
3 / 11 29.750817.188
Florea Mihai
12 / 19 28.905920.2299
C&B Alin Ionut
1 / 5 28.5101019.811010
Rares Avram
19 / 9 28.1701116.431111
Coman Galea
8 / 4 25.6651221.8351212
16 / 13 25.1201321.261313
Dodan Stefan
10 / 1 21.9801414.981414
Birlidurii CT Bolta A.
6 / 8 17.8951516.361515
Soaita Dan
13 / 18 16.9451610.3051616
Pop Aurelian
4 / 6 13.850178.6551717
Gal Iosif
18 / 16 12.1351810.531818
Ciolan Andrei
5 / 10 10.020195.4451919
Dragos Claudiu
7 / 2 5.400205.42020

Referee(s): MXM CT

General Catches

Sector Weight Number of catches Average
Sect-1 539.640 kg 39 13.837 kg
General 539.640 kg 39 13.837 kg

The Biggest Fish

Sector Weight Stand Team name
Sect-1 39.58 kg 11 / 12 Pal Stefan


Sector 10+ 15+ 20+ 25+ 30+
Sect-1 8 6 4 1 4
General 8 6 4 1 4


Tops Weight Sector / Stand / Team name
Best 3
Best 5
Best 7
Best 10



The 1st day "Brăila": Std .1 5,200
The 2nd day "Brăila": Std. 14 11,530