Relax V Beldiu 29.03-31.03 2024 România


Legend: | T - Total | P - Point | TP - Total Points | Sect - Sector | Gen - General |
Quality Placing
Sect-A Stand Best 3 T P TP Sect Gen
Ariesu Carp Team
A 1 9.827.527.458.263113
Key Carp Team
A 8 11.125.875.727.570221
PGA Baits BV
A 2 15.87443
Rafael Bubelea
A 12 4.5443
Sect-B Stand Best 3 T P TP Sect Gen
B 7 16.9214.3213.3814.873112
B 3 14.211.8711.4512.507221
DUDI Baits
B 11 20.029.855.6711.847332
Marius Ursu
B 5 8.2443
Sect-C Stand Best 3 T P TP Sect Gen
MKS Carp Team 2
C 9 17.8715.7715.0216.220111
Doco & Cristi
C 4 17.9714.912.815.223221
Teusan & Wagner
C 6
Ionuț Basa & Traian Serban
C 10 443

Referee(s): Ghita

The Biggest Fish

Sector Weight Stand Team name
Sect-A 15.87 kg A 2 PGA Baits BV
Sect-B 20.02 kg B 11 DUDI Baits
Sect-C 17.97 kg C 4 Doco & Cristi


Sector 10+ 15+ 20+ 25+ 30+
Sect-A 1 1 0 0 0
Sect-B 6 1 1 0 0
Sect-C 6 4 0 0 0
General 13 6 1 0 0


Tops Weight Sector / Stand / Team name
Best 3 16.220 kg Sect-C / C 9 / MKS Carp Team 2
Best 5 14.936 kg Sect-C / C 9 / MKS Carp Team 2
Best 7 13.650 kg Sect-C / C 9 / MKS Carp Team 2
Best 10


The 1st day "Brăila": STD.7 - 16.92
The 2nd day "Brăila": STD.9 -15.02
The 3rd day "Brăila": std.4 - 17.97
The 4th day "Brăila": STD.11 - 20.02
Contest Comments:
Best 3

Cupa “RELAX” V