Cupa Rezistentei Carpodrom Mst 18.05-21.05 2023 Romania

Quantity - Quality

Legend: | T - Total | P - Point | TP - Total Points | Sect - Sector | Gen - General |
Quantity Quality Placing
Sect-1 Stand T P Best 5 T P TP Sect Gen
Adi H
A7 210.55019.69.579.528.98.69.238122
Daniel D
A8 205.25028.428.077.677.377.357.776351
A14 121.390311.378.428.427.856.558.522252
Sect-2 Stand T P Best 4 T P TP Sect Gen
Ionichiente N
B1 324.56019.79.629.579.529.603121
Sorin G
B13 246.99029.39.278.358.18.755241
Florin P
B4 169.28039.627.957.556.67.930362
Sect-3 Stand T P Best 3 T P TP Sect Gen
Stefan D
C12 380.10018.878.027.027.970233
Dan J
C10 362.050298.728.258.657131
Marius I
C9 0.0003362

Referee(s): Tony

General Catches

Sector Weight Number of catches Average
Sect-1 537.190 kg 105 5.116 kg
Sect-2 740.830 kg 155 4.780 kg
Sect-3 742.150 kg 170 4.366 kg
General 2,020.170 kg 430 4.698 kg

The Biggest Fish

Sector Weight Stand Team name
Sect-1 11.37 kg A14 Nita
Sect-2 9.7 kg B1 Ionichiente N
Sect-3 9 kg C10 Dan J


Sector 10+ 15+ 20+ 25+ 30+
Sect-1 1 0 0 0 0
Sect-2 0 0 0 0 0
Sect-3 0 0 0 0 0
General 1 0 0 0 0


Tops Weight Sector / Stand / Team name
Best 3 9.630 kg Sect-2 / B1 / Ionichiente N
Best 5 9.566 kg Sect-2 / B1 / Ionichiente N
Best 7 9.129 kg Sect-2 / B1 / Ionichiente N
Best 10 8.489 kg Sect-2 / B1 / Ionichiente N



The 1st day "Brăila": 8,87
The 2nd day "Brăila": 11,37
The 3rd day "Brăila": 9,57

Logo Carpathian