Cupa November Carp Carpodrom Transilvania 03.11-05.11 2023 România


Legend: | T - Total | P - Point | TP - Total Points | Sect - Sector | Gen - General |
Quantity Placing
Sect-1 Stand T P Best 1 TP Sect Gen
As la Crap
5 214.675112
Vig Carp Team
1 188.475221
Crapmar Acs
4 67.175332
Adi Coste MM
3 16.850443
Bufallo Carp Team
2 14.625554
Sect-2 Stand T P Best 1 TP Sect Gen
Cmf Chifa &Cretiu
10 193.050113
Gorgan Radu&David
6 150.650221
Pintea Ionuț & Co
8 84.625332
Blaga Alex &Co
9 37.475443
Ciceu Gherla
7 13.400554
Sect-3 Stand T P Best 1 TP Sect Gen
Dimu,Stelian,Claudiu MG
13 296.800111
Pata CT - Hunor
14 174.150221
Mentenance Carp Team
15 79.120332
Class Carp Team
12 52.800443
AD Senzor LG
11 12.500554

Referee(s): Baba Cristian

General Catches

Sector Weight Number of catches Average
Sect-1 501.800 kg 40 12.545 kg
Sect-2 479.200 kg 42 11.410 kg
Sect-3 615.370 kg 40 15.384 kg
General 1,596.370 kg 122 13.085 kg

The Biggest Fish

Sector Weight Stand Team name


Sector 10+ 15+ 20+ 25+ 30+
Sect-1 0 0 0 0 0
Sect-2 0 0 0 0 0
Sect-3 0 0 0 0 0
General 0 0 0 0 0


Tops Weight Sector / Stand / Team name
Best 3
Best 5
Best 7
Best 10



The 1st day "Brăila": Chifa,Cretiu - Ten 9.675kg

Cupa November Carp

Carpodrom Transilvania 3-5 nov.
