Cupa GOLDEN FISH Ed.III Bila 2 12.07-14.07 2024 Romania


Legend: | T - Total | P - Point | TP - Total Points | Sect - Sector | Gen - General |
Quantity Placing
Sect-1 Stand T P Best 1 TP Sect
Constantin Andrei + Sotie
4 107.550111.8511
Bobe Sorin -Bobe Andrei
3 75.550210.22522
Opincaru Iulian-Ionut Tudor
10 43.550310.733
Ionescu Gabriel -Denis Niculae
8 40.70048.1544
Rotaru Robert-Andrei Ionut
12 36.47559.57555
Tita Mircea (Charly) + sotie
6 28.925613.2566
Voicu Marian - Oprea Francisc
13 28.900714.4577
Mihaies Cristian +Sotie
2 16.20086.0588
Tudor Constantin -Ion Andrei
9 8.82598.82599
Florea Andrei - Voicu Catalin
5 8.625105.751010
Sora Gheorghe -Delcea Vasilica
7 4.500114.51111
Savu Marian-Purice Stefan
11 3.200123.21212

Referee(s): Anca + Razvan

General Catches

Sector Weight Number of catches Average
Sect-1 403.000 kg 63 6.397 kg
General 403.000 kg 63 6.397 kg

The Biggest Fish

Sector Weight Stand Team name
Sect-1 14.45 kg 13 Voicu Marian - Oprea Francisc


Sector 10+ 15+ 20+ 25+ 30+
Sect-1 8 0 0 0 0
General 8 0 0 0 0


Tops Weight Sector / Stand / Team name
Best 3 10.975 kg Sect-1 / 4 / Constantin Andrei + Sotie
Best 5 10.175 kg Sect-1 / 4 / Constantin Andrei + Sotie
Best 7 9.289 kg Sect-1 / 4 / Constantin Andrei + Sotie
Best 10 8.393 kg Sect-1 / 4 / Constantin Andrei + Sotie



Cupa GOLDEN FISH ED III 12-14 Iunie 2024

Iazul Bila 2