Cupa FAMILY Beldiu 19.07-21.07 2024 România


Legend: | T - Total | P - Point | TP - Total Points | Sect - Sector | Gen - General |
Quantity Placing
Sect-1 Stand T P Best 3 TP Sect Gen
Bolas Duras Carp Team
A 8 130.400119.6717.1713.2213
Fam. Romitan
A 2 87.080214.6211.0510.9221
A 12 70.310311.858.958.8232
Sect-2 Stand T P Best 3 TP Sect Gen
Key Carp Team
B 11 161.540119.8515.2514.2712
Fam. Mocan Adrian
B 5 145.950223.314.9714.2521
Andy Mark Carp Team
B 7 123.600319.716.2514.6732
Fam. Zuzac
B 3 89.840414.413.4211.3743
Sect-3 Stand T P Best 3 TP Sect Gen
Fam. Cozi Radu
C 9 298.650116.4514.9512.511
C 6 244.760220.3215.914.4521
Ovidiu Cuc & Alex Oancea
C 10 115.710312.4511.411.432
Fam. Poenaru
C 4 58.340417.0214.379.343

Referee(s): Ghita

General Catches

Sector Weight Number of catches Average
Sect-1 287.790 kg 36 7.994 kg
Sect-2 520.930 kg 47 11.084 kg
Sect-3 717.460 kg 71 10.105 kg
General 1,526.180 kg 154 9.910 kg

The Biggest Fish

Sector Weight Stand Team name
Sect-1 19.67 kg A 8 Bolas Duras Carp Team
Sect-2 23.3 kg B 5 Fam. Mocan Adrian
Sect-3 20.32 kg C 6 WLC SB


Sector 10+ 15+ 20+ 25+ 30+
Sect-1 7 2 0 0 0
Sect-2 22 4 1 0 0
Sect-3 35 3 1 0 0
General 64 9 2 0 0


Tops Weight Sector / Stand / Team name
Best 3 17.507 kg Sect-2 / B 5 / Fam. Mocan Adrian
Best 5 15.644 kg Sect-3 / C 6 / WLC SB
Best 7 14.994 kg Sect-3 / C 6 / WLC SB
Best 10 14.173 kg Sect-3 / C 6 / WLC SB



The 1st day "Brăila": Stand 6 - 20,32 kg
The 2nd day "Brăila": Stand 5 - 23,30 kg
Contest Comments:
Brăile și Best 3
  • Cupa “FAMILIA” XIII BELDIU 19-21.07.2024