Cupa Carp Team Jibou ed 2 Simply Transilvania Glod 27.09-29.09 2024 Romania

Quantity - Quality

Legend: | T - Total | P - Point | TP - Total Points | Sect - Sector | Gen - General |
Quantity Quality Placing
Sect-1 Stand T P Best 3 T P TP Sect
Leva Dragos
7 51.200212.
Pascuta Darius
9 55.75019.157.8257.3258.100452
Noje Bogdan
2 48.050411.47.7257.258.792373
Mocan Adrian
6 32.95059.0759.058.3758.833274
Nagy Andrei
5 50.67038.457.47.257.700585
Pop Nicolae
8 11.20066.2254.9759156
Chit Ovidiu
4 10.200710.29167
Nagy Sandu
1 9.90087.12.89178
Cruceru Mihai
3 6.20096.29189

Referee(s): Mocan Adrian

General Catches

Sector Weight Number of catches Average
Sect-1 276.120 kg 41 6.735 kg
General 276.120 kg 41 6.735 kg

The Biggest Fish

Sector Weight Stand Team name
Sect-1 12.1 kg 7 Leva Dragos


Sector 10+ 15+ 20+ 25+ 30+
Sect-1 3 0 0 0 0
General 3 0 0 0 0


Tops Weight Sector / Stand / Team name
Best 3 9.533 kg Sect-1 / 7 / Leva Dragos
Best 5 8.165 kg Sect-1 / 7 / Leva Dragos
Best 7 7.314 kg Sect-1 / 7 / Leva Dragos
Best 10



Cupa Carp Team Jibou ed 2

Lac Simply Transilvania Glod
