Diosig challenge Ferma de crap Diosig 08.09-13.09 2024 Romania


Legend: | T - Total | P - Point | TP - Total Points | Sect - Sector | Gen - General |
Quantity Placing
Sect-A Stand T P Best 5 TP Sect Gen
Anghel Baits
2 695.17511514.02513.82513.513.512
Dudi Bait 2
22 559.450214.67514.37512.9512.27512.17521
CC Vienna Austria
4 465.700313.82513.82513.02512.67512.532
CC Sighisoara
3 344.10041312.912.212.07511.743
VIG Carp Team
23 301.490514.17513.0512.42511.8511.854
Tata Nitu GN Fishing team
1 167.475612.912.812.812.22512.02565
Japanu CT
21 147.700714.212.4510.610.37510.17576
Sect-B Stand T P Best 5 TP Sect Gen
PBC Ferma de Crap Diosig & 2Brothers
11 558.950113.82513.47513.27513.0251213
Anaconda Megabaits Germania
9 462.000214.4514.3513.0512.87512.42521
PBG Team
8 449.950314.910.38.7758.6758.57532
Malula Carp Team
13 218.075412.47511.5510.8510.37510.37543
Bug Baits
20 149.150511.310.29.959.8259.354
Barbos Carp Team
5 135.900614.72512.7259.99.4758.87565
Carp Plus Baits
6 65.325711.4759.6258.98.2757.7576
Sect-C Stand T P Best 5 TP Sect Gen
Dudi Bait 1
12 938.895115.92515.913.9512.72512.37511
10 697.675214.0511.311.2511.12511.0521
Mivado 1 Ionel
15 637.825314.92514.213.82513.4513.3532
Kanalas Carp
19 631.550413.92513.32512.82512.712.67543
Beta Mix Ungaria
14 482.475522.7514.42511.7511.511.3554
The One Team Romania
18 197.475615.8514.312.32511.8511.17565
Magura Noua
17 111.350712.5511.611.07510.29.676

General Catches

Sector Weight Number of catches Average
Sect-A 2,681.090 kg 291 9.213 kg
Sect-B 2,039.350 kg 279 7.309 kg
Sect-C 3,697.245 kg 458 8.073 kg
General 8,417.685 kg 1,028 8.188 kg

The Biggest Fish

Sector Weight Stand Team name
Sect-A 15 kg 2 Anghel Baits
Sect-B 14.9 kg 8 PBG Team
Sect-C 22.75 kg 14 Beta Mix Ungaria


Sector 10+ 15+ 20+ 25+ 30+
Sect-A 115 1 0 0 0
Sect-B 29 0 0 0 0
Sect-C 88 3 1 0 0
General 232 4 1 0 0


Tops Weight Sector / Stand / Team name
Best 3 16.308 kg Sect-C / 14 / Beta Mix Ungaria
Best 5 14.355 kg Sect-C / 14 / Beta Mix Ungaria
Best 7 13.661 kg Sect-A / 2 / Anghel Baits
Best 10 13.240 kg Sect-A / 2 / Anghel Baits


Contest Comments:
-Un concurs creat din pasiune cu cele mai puternice echipe -Un paradis al crapilor si al pescarilor -O competitie la cel mai inalt nivel -O lupta a titanilor un concurs in care predomina corectitudinea si sportivitatea CATEVA REPERE ALE PRIMEI EDITII CANTITATE TOTALA-17,900.959 KG NUMAR DE PESTI CAPTURATI-2477 /BUC cu o medie de 7,227kg -335 pesti peste 10kg -12 pesti peste 15kg -1 peste peste 20kg Locul 1 sectorul C stand 11- 1862.950kg -287 pesti/ media 6,491kg Locul 2 sectorul B stand 8- 1679.195kg -294 pesti/ media 5,712kg Locul 3 sectorul A stand 23- 1289,647kg -147 pesti/ media 8,773kg

Ferma de crap Diosig

Paradisul crapilor