Cupa Rezistentei Sacosu Turcesc 30.07-02.08 2023 Romania


Legend: | T - Total | P - Point | TP - Total Points | Sect - Sector | Gen - General |
Quantity Placing
Sect-A Stand T P Best 3 TP Sect Gen
Suhoverschi Dan
A9 353.800121.6520.47519.1513
Anghel Marian
A6 261.825224.12522.12518.42521
Gurban Daniel
A5 86.700321.2514.97512.8532
Macarie Nelu
A8 40.650414.02513.72512.943
Nicu Adrian
A7 12.925512.92554
Sect-2 Stand T P Best 3 TP Sect Gen
Vikor Pero
B3 378.577124.52523.221.4512
Sabau Adi
B10 361.700230.57521.1251921
Ciortea Marius
B11 249.850318.82517.416.02532
Jivan Alin
B12 234.450421.32515.5514.443
Bar Gelu
B4 212.800516.816.12515.854
Sect-3 Stand T P Best 3 TP Sect Gen
Moldovan Daniel
C14 466.250116.72515.97514.811
Mastikosa Luka
C2 420.775220.6519.67519.47521
Hunter Betamix
C13 314.550316.27515.915.0532
Lazăr Tibor
C1 214.900418.0512.712.543

Referee(s): Sorin S

General Catches

Sector Weight Number of catches Average
Sect-A 755.900 kg 57 13.261 kg
Sect-2 1,437.377 kg 117 12.285 kg
Sect-3 1,416.475 kg 126 11.242 kg
General 3,609.752 kg 300 12.033 kg

The Biggest Fish

Sector Weight Stand Team name
Sect-A 24.125 kg A6 Anghel Marian
Sect-2 30.575 kg B10 Sabau Adi
Sect-3 20.65 kg C2 Mastikosa Luka


Sector 10+ 15+ 20+ 25+ 30+
Sect-A 30 11 5 0 0
Sect-2 60 16 7 0 1
Sect-3 68 12 1 0 0
General 158 39 13 0 1


Tops Weight Sector / Stand / Team name
Best 3 23.567 kg Sect-2 / B10 / Sabau Adi
Best 5 22.190 kg Sect-2 / B3 / Vikor Pero
Best 7 20.446 kg Sect-2 / B3 / Vikor Pero
Best 10 18.748 kg Sect-2 / B3 / Vikor Pero



Cupa Rezistentei