Cupa Matei Conf Ed.II Iazul Bila 2 19.05-21.05 2023 Romania


Legend: | T - Total | P - Point | TP - Total Points | Sect - Sector | Gen - General |
Quantity Placing
Sect-1 Stand T P Best 1 TP Sect
APS Cristian, Nicu
15 429.105117.2911
APS George, Florin
16 382.480212.8422
Manuel Chejnoiu, Cristian Vasile
3 152.010312.4433
Marcel Viziru, Voicu
13 115.08049.7344
Matei Conf Vali, Cata
12 106.39051655
GEP 2 Dan, Dragos
8 63.53069.9566
Alexandru Iordache
1 55.29079.377
6 30.82086.888
Marcel Tatu
9 29.620914.9399
GEP 3 Florin, Bogdan
14 22.550109.071010
Sorin Lepa, Ciara Adrian
7 16.000117.731111
GEP 1 Cătălin, Laure, Dragos
5 14.350127.31212
Simco 1 Emil
10 14.1001311.221313
Ioan și Miruna
2 9.320145.191414
Simco 2 Ionel
11 3.660151.831515
Liviu Dinca
4 0.000161616

General Catches

Sector Weight Number of catches Average
Sect-1 1,444.305 kg 225 6.419 kg
General 1,444.305 kg 225 6.419 kg

The Biggest Fish

Sector Weight Stand Team name
Sect-1 17.29 kg 15 APS Cristian, Nicu


Sector 10+ 15+ 20+ 25+ 30+
Sect-1 19 2 0 0 0
General 19 2 0 0 0


Tops Weight Sector / Stand / Team name
Best 3 14.713 kg Sect-1 / 15 / APS Cristian, Nicu
Best 5 14.002 kg Sect-1 / 15 / APS Cristian, Nicu
Best 7 13.484 kg Sect-1 / 15 / APS Cristian, Nicu
Best 10 12.724 kg Sect-1 / 15 / APS Cristian, Nicu

